It's pretty simple. We offer website credit towards the knife you really want in exchange for the knife that no longer quite fits in your collection.
Simply fill out the form and we will be in touch within 1-2 business days to get some pictures and discuss a potential offer.
--Things To Consider--
Condition is key. make sure to describe and picture any issues with your blade.
Does it come with the original box and accessories?
Remember shipping to us is on you. If we cant make a deal after it arrives, return shipping is on us.
Also keep in mind that any deal made will not be honored indefinitely. If we come to an agreement and we do not receive notification of the knife shipping in two weeks of time the deal will need to be renegotiated
--Do I Just Send It To You?--
NO. Please wait for us to reach out to you and confirm details before sending your knife in. Knives that just arrive out of the blue are prone to getting delayed for evaluation or delayed in return. Please dont.